Fund 85 Run

A Motorcycle Run to help Minnesota Veterans and their Families

MN Fund 85 (Minnesota American Legion Foundation Veterans Assistance Fund) was established to help Veterans in need. It is for when struggling veterans do not qualify for other assistance programs or — even when they do qualify — there are times those programs take so long they end up being too late to actually help. Veterans in dire straits can receive assistance, fast, with a max lifetime amount of $5,000.

Any request for assistance starts at the local posts, which then bring the requests to the Department of Minnesota. Information is available on the department website.


Checks should be made out to: MN American Legion Foundation

In the memo line add Fund 85 – MN Veterans Assistance Fund

Or click here to donate online.

Need Assistance?

If you are in need or know someone in need, reach out to your local American Legion Post.

Or review the Department of MN American Legion Fund 85 Site. This include an online application.


More information to come on how to volunteer.